Tuesday, 21 July 2009

My Iron Horse

First of all, i would like to appologize to all viewers
huhu sorry guys lama nda update, been busy lately..

Well, Lets introduce to you my horse..My iron Horse actually..Her name is Marauder and she runs on 800cc of power under all that chrome. She's Loud and she's Red.

Here you can see the bling2 on the bike and on my head hahah *LOL*

Safety comes first..can you spot the not?? How many traffic laws are being violated in the pictures above hehehe.

Upclose for the photographer..cana tah bulih baby ku masuk dalam moto atu huhuh

Radiator cooler fin..or fangs actually..heheh for continuous air flow towards the Radiator.

Polishing and maintaining the sparkle on the 12 year old bike. Still looks and feels new.

bubabubabubabubabubabubabu well then lets take her for a spin

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